Chapter 5: Office Move complete. With outro music "The World's Least Spiritual Soul" Special Edit from Artie Q's "SPIRITUALl!!! MOI???" cd -
Storyline: Three Good Guys & Three Whackos move an office of attractive women. Follow the shenanigans of Artie Q, Driver Mo, JimmyS, The Cheeseman, One Arm Brian & Oyster Man as they prove correct that old adage: All humans are a little whacky, inside; but there's a big difference 'tween being "A Lil Whacky" and "Fully Friggin Whacked Out To The Nth Degree!"


Authenticity is spirituality, according to a pro, is "me", well, apparently,
and she should know, she does it all day long,
calls herself "transitioner," a mighty fine practitioner.
Now I describe myself as The World's Least Spiritual Soul,
moving away from "possession" is my goal.
Can I live my life without a safety net?
Tryin' real hard; I'll get there … I'll get there.

Tell me, where is "there?"
Tell me where you're going.

Dah, dah, dah, dah. Dah, dah, dah. Dah, dah dah. Dah, dah dah … I'll get there.

With this in mind, I'll just have to confront myself—"Artie Q: who are you?"
And I should know, I do "me" all day long;
an imposter of Krishna, a nary Christian missioner.
Now, I've not claimed myself as a man of lofty goals,
I'll leave that up to others with religious souls.
A short dry capucino drink is all I'd like to get
Forget the Splendid Journey … Are we there yet?

Dah, dah, dah, dah. Dah, dah, dah.

Doesn't help with the big picture; view it all, it'll just restrict ya.
(One) Step in front of another, the mountain I'll discover.
When confronted with enormity, get busy like a bee;
visualize my destiny, I'll be the Super Ant in me.
Now I describe myself as The World's Least Spiritual—
I'm having second thoughts about it;
I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it.
I had a change of heart—I'm going to Nirvana … I'll get there

Baby, ooh baby, I'll get there.
Spirituality equals Authenticity, without it an eternity, yeah baby.

I'll get there.

The World’s Least Spiritual Soul:

Lyrics - Robin Thomas Quinn ©2012